There have been many tax changes that impact filers during this year’s tax filing season. We will be sharing as much information as possible to make this season simpler for you. Today, we share about changes that have been made for alimony rules, and how they may apply to your situation.
For payments required under divorce or separation instruments that are executed after Dec. 31, 2018, the deduction for alimony payments is eliminated. Recipients of affected alimony payments will no longer have to include them in taxable income.
The above rules for alimony payments also apply to payments that are required under divorce or separation instruments that are modified after Dec. 31, 2018, if the modification specifically states that the new-for-2019 treatment of alimony payments (not deductible by the payer and not taxable income for the recipient) applies.
If you have questions about this, or any other tax-related topic, contact your CPA or reach out to one of our experts today!
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