Bachelor of Arts– Accounting & Business Administration– Wartburg College
Joined Christianson CPAs and Consultants:
September 2015
Professional Focus:
Gabe Williams works in the Audit department, specializing in audit & attest services, consulting and financial forecast services for the agricultural sector which includes crop and animal producers, ag retailers, value-added agriculture processors, and renewable fuel companies. He helps companies meet their requirements for the Minnesota Bioincentive Program. He also helps companies with business challenges such as working capital management, risk management and forecasting.
Professional Affiliations:
Williams is a member of AICPA, MNCPA, MAPA, and Next. He also serves as Treasurer for the Hawk Creek Country Club and is a Board Member for Humane Society of Kandiyohi and Meeker Counties.
Office Location:
Williams works out of the Willmar office.