We assess the feasibility of your project
Over 50 companies have turned to Christianson’s Agribusiness Advisory Group for objective answers to help them make well-informed data-driven decisions about the market, technical, and financial feasibility of a proposed new venture.
Here are a few examples of the feasibility studies we’ve worked completed in an effort to help our clients make informed decisions:
- A steering committee comprised of leaders from two agribusiness companies asked us to determine the attractiveness of establishing an industrial hemp processing facility. Christianson conducted the market assessment, regulatory/policy analysis, the technical assessment, and the financial forecasting for the proposed project and determined it was feasibility under certain conditions. We are presently working with the client to further develop the project.
- An entrepreneur wanted to know if it was feasible to establish an indoor commercial saltwater shrimp farming operation in the Midwest. Christianson conducted the feasibility study and determined the proposed venture would be attractive but there were significant risks that would need to be addressed first. We are presently working with the client to help him raise private investment and bank financing for this project.
- A group of investors wanted an objective third-party opinion about entering the biodiesel industry by completing the construction of an abandoned biodiesel facility. We completed the feasibility assessment which found the proposed venture faced too many significant risks and we recommended the client not pursue the investment.
Contact our team today to let us assess the feasibility of your project.
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