The Entrepreneur Fund, Northland Foundation, and Northspan have partnered in developing the Small Business Relief Fund to support businesses in our region hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Funding will be used to provide financial assistance to business owners who are facing significant challenges.
Small Business Relief Fund Eligibility
- Businesses located in the Entrepreneur Fund service area: Aitkin, Benton, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, Stearns and Todd Counties in Minnesota and Douglas County in Wisconsin.
- Be current on financial obligations as of March 1st, 2020.
- Affirm they intend to remain open or to reopen.
- Demonstrate need for financial support.
- Have taken steps to access available insurance, resources, and applicable local, state, and or federal programs.
- If applicant owns multiple businesses, one application may be submitted per business.
- Franchises not locally owned are not eligible.
- Business owner must locally reside in service area.
Small Business Relief Fund Application
- The electronic application can be found here.
- Application required attachments:
- Business & Personal Tax Returns
- Resumes and Personal Financial Statements
- Financial Statements (past 2 years)
- Detailed Source & Use of Funds and Project Cost & Request Summary
- Tennessen Warning
If you have questions about this or other funding opportunities, contact our experts today!
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