With the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and the financial impact it’s imposing on businesses and individuals alike, we want to keep you in the loop with all current and potential financial relief options that may apply to you. That said, there’s been talk for quite sometime that there may be a second round of stimulus checks on the horizon.
As it stands, the time to make a decision this calendar year on the approval of a second relief package is running out. According to Nancy Vanden Houten, lead economist at Oxford Economics, she is “pessimistic about the prospect of any significant near-term fiscal relief, and fear several social safety-net programs may be allowed to expire, affecting millions of households across the country.” If Congress can pass a stimulus package by no later than December 21st, there’s potential that many may see payment before the end of the year.
Adding a degree of uncertainty, there are 12 spending bills that need to be passed in order to avoid another government shutdown by December 11.
Among the financial burden that COVID-19 is putting on people, many are also facing the risk of eviction, and the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension expires on December 26th.
At Christianson, we take our responsibility as an information source very seriously and will keep you in the loop as information is released. Stay tuned, and contact our experts if you have any questions, or if you would like to see how the new laws can benefit you. We’re here to help.
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