Regarding COVID-19: This is a profoundly anxious time in the world, and with recent government announcements stating that there will be many local closings, we feel it’s time that we address our staff, clients, and community members and what steps we plan to take to ensure everyone stays safe and limits potential exposure.
We are committed to providing the same level of exceptional service and expertise as always. Please expect that if you have a currently scheduled meeting with one of our team members, you will be contacted prior to that meeting to discuss comfort levels of meeting in person. During this discussion, we may ask you about recent travel that would potentially impact that meeting. If there are any concerns, we will work with you to arrange another time to meet. It’s our responsibility to ensure we keep our staff and clients safe and this is one of the many ways we will be doing that.
Our interoffice efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 include intense sanitizing this weekend with a focus on high-traffic areas (door handles, surfaces, etc…) and we will continue these measures on an every-other day basis.
Many of our staff will be adjusting their schedules to work from home. This is to accommodate the recent school closings and also to ensure that we can have adequate social distancing. This may also have a direct impact on meeting times. In the event our office should close for a longer period of time, we have a business continuity plan in place to continue service to our clients.
We will keep you apprised of news releases relating to our industry as they’re released. Thank you, and please stay safe!