Due Dates for Health Coverage Forms
Insurers, self-insuring employers, large employers and other coverage providers have received an automatic extension of 30 days (January 31, 2018 extended to March 2, 2018) to provide 1095-B or 1095-C forms to their employees and covered individuals. However, these entities did not receive an extension for filing 2017 information returns with the IRS which are due February 28, 2018 for paper filers and April 2, 2018 for electronic filers. Taxpayers do not need to wait for Forms 1095-C or 1095-B to file their 2017 individual tax returns. Other information about health coverage can be used.
If you are a large employer and need help completing your Form 1095-C or if you are unsure if you are a large employer and would like assistance making that determination, please call us at 320-235-5937! If you have additional questions relating to health coverage forms, reach out to one of our experts at Christianson today!
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