A college education can be one of the most important investments you ever make. But the benefits of your child's increased earning power and expanded horizons come at a price — college is expensive. Many families finance a college education with a combination of resources, but your savings are the cornerstone of any successful college funding plan. So it's important to start saving as soon as you can. For 2018/2019, average costs for tuition, fees, room, and board are: $21,370 — public college $48,510 — private college (many private colleges cost substantially more) Source: College Board, Trends in College Pricing 2018 Where should you put your college savings? There are many options to choose from: 529 plans Read More...
College Savings – What do I do?
What Are The Best Vehicles To Save For College? A college education can be one of the most important investments you ever make. But the benefits of your child's increased earning power and expanded horizons come at a price — college is expensive. Many families finance a college education with a combination of resources, but your savings are the cornerstone of any successful college funding plan. So it's important to start saving as soon as you can. For 2017/2018, average costs for tuition, fees, room, and board are: $20,770 — public college $46,950 — private college (many private colleges cost substantially more) Source: College Board, Trends in College Pricing 2017 Where should you put your college savings? There are many Read More...