We wanted to share a gentle reminder that the tax filing deadline this year has once again shifted away from April 15th.
When is the Tax Filing Deadline?
For individual taxes, the final date to file your taxes is Tuesday, April 17th, 2018. This goes against the traditional April 15th deadline for individual tax returns. The shift is due to April 15th falling on Sunday as the tax deadline cannot land on a Sunday. Also, since Monday April 16th is Emancipation Day (which is a legal holiday for the District of Columbia), the filing deadline will be pushed to Tuesday, April 17th, 2018. This gives you a couple of extra days to meet the deadline.
Where’s My Refund?
Once taxes are filed, a common question we get is “where is my refund?”. The IRS has come up with a handy tracking tool that will help in locating your refund. You can access that tool for your Federal refund here and your Minnesota refund here, keeping in mind that you will need your social security number, your filing status, and your exact refund amount available to use it properly.
We posted previously about calculating your refund if you haven’t yet had your final tax meeting. You can find that content here!
When Should I Call the IRS?
Take a mental note of the date you filed your taxes. You should call the IRS if you still haven’t received your refund 21 days or more after you filed your taxes. If you mailed your tax return, you should contact the IRS if it’s been 6 or more weeks since mailing. Finally, if the “Where’s my Refund” tool says to contact the IRS, you should do so.
If you have questions relating to the tax filing deadline or what you need to bring to your next tax appointment, reach out to your CPA or contact us today!
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