Ask The Experts Segment
On Monday, March 5th, Joel Gratz, Partner here at Christianson joined Bill Dean on KWLM during the “Ask the Experts” segment. This month, Joel and Bill took a minute to chat about the new tax laws and how they may impact small business owners.
As Joel mentions during the segment, completing your 2018 taxes will prove to have additional nuances. Some that you may not have faced during your 2017 tax appointment (especially if you are a business owner).
How Can I Listen?
Tune in to 1340 AM or 96.3 FM (or live stream if you are outside of the listening area) the first Monday of every month from November until April (during tax-time) at 9:10am CST. You can listen to the March segment and other Ask The Expert segments with Joel and Bill on our Resources page.
At Christianson, our goal is to consistently provide the latest information you need to run your business in an efficient way. We want to ensure you are capitalizing on opportunities that may be available to you. Join us next week on Ask The Experts and don’t be afraid to call in during the segment with questions relating to the content topic. If you have questions about your business this tax season or throughout the year, don’t hesitate to contact Christianson today!
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