Ag to Energy – Biofuels Workshop
Join us as we partner with the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission (EDC) for an “Ag to Energy – Biofuels Workshop” workshop that will be hosted virtually on March 18th (previously January 27th), 2021 from 7:30 – 9:00 am.
Jamey Cline will be presenting information on the interaction of the agriculture and renewable fuels industries, including:
- The status of the Renewable Fuels Industry
- The impact of Renewable Fuels on Agriculture
- Renewable Fuels Funding Opportunities
- Funding Opportunities for Blender Pumps
- Understanding the Governmental Commitment to the Success of Agriculture
- Jamey Cline, Business Development Director at Christianson and an involved advocate for the renewable fuels industry.
Contact Christianson today with questions relating to what content will be covered during this session, or if you have specific topics you would like to see addressed at some point during the event.
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